Leah Jingxian Yang
https://youtu.be/nfjEiYNH-nk Leah Beta 1.1 Part I, 1'06", 2020 https://youtu.be/bokBQTTdHwk Leah Beta 1.1 Part II, 12'12", 2020 The copyright of all images and videos belongs to Jingxian Yang.
Will Wright
Artworks i. "these past few months," (Euphemising The Pandemic), 2020Browser performance (HTML/CSS/Javascript/Audio).Click HERE to view the work (Chrome recommended). ii. All Apologies #1: 'Dear Internet...', 2020.Browser performance (HTML/CSS/Javascript/Audio).Click HERE to view the work (Chrome recommended). Photo Essays i. Textistential Crisis,…
Pav Szymanski
https://youtu.be/bdq6MQNAEYQ Three Haitian Girls in Red https://youtu.be/hFaPpGzWwwQ Haitian Girl with Butterflies https://youtu.be/Iklb21BUL-Y Disabled Palenque https://youtu.be/6ysnVZeVzHs Fragile Little Dreams https://youtu.be/s7hrJLhnyeo Dreaming About the Island Girl https://youtu.be/9a26gnvUSQE Waiting for A Cocktail Called Pornstar https://youtu.be/WAaghlZxBe0 Punhana https://youtu.be/TxQKHgqJUSE Lockdown with The Wheel of Fortune…
Kelda Storm
www.keldastorm.com https://www.instagram.com/keldastorm email (L-R) Untitled Colour Study, 2020, acrylic on canvas16 Prints, 2020, monoprint screenprintUntitled Colour Study, 2020, acrylic on canvas Installation overview, 2020 I inform my practice by researching theories on representation and learned definitions of femininity. This is…
Eugenia Shishkina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvuRfO3Z-4k So Far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GtwkVNQ2Go So Far II Забор из Костей Contact me: Eugeniashishkina@gmail.com
Ben Sausman
My work explores the idea of the digital landscape. Below is my final video, a collection of digitalscapes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmfI0Izn0Ro Visit my blog to see much more of my work, or visit my YouTube channel to see a selection of the…
Aristotle Roufanis
Liberalis Art Award Aristotle Roufanis (b. 1983 Athens, Greece) is a visual artist, whose work focuses on patterns, textures and human interactions defined by the condition of urban life and architecture. Fascinated by how humans build the environments they live…
Alexis Rago
Contact: ragoalexis (at) gmail.com blog. blog.alexisrago.com Web: alexisrago.com Inst: @alexisrago I merge creation myths and evolutionary theory in layered narratives that tell of the indissoluble connection and separation between the ancestral animal self and the Anthropocene human. At times, things…